Language Exchanges

Do you want to practice or learn another language? Join us and make new friends!

International Picnics

Come and enjoy picnics with us and meet new people from all backgrounds, nationalities and walks of life!

International Lunch

Barcelona enjoys cuisine from all areas of the globe,  including Peruvian, French, Italian, Greek and Mexican food, to name just a few. Come along and try whilst making new friends!

Day Trips

There are many beautiful and interesting places surrounding the city of Barcelona, including Tarragona, Girona, Colonia Guell and Montserrat. These are fabulous day trips to explore new cities and historical sites whilst enjoying the company of many people who have also moved to Barcelona from afar.

Escape Rooms

Not far off something from The Crystal Maze, the Escape Rooms are a series of themed areas providing exciting and challenging activity and entertainment during an evening out! Let’s enjoy a good time together!

Walks around the city

A great way to orientate your way around the city! Much of Barcelona can be sprawling and at times seem confusing, so walking around the city together can be a great way to learn more about the different areas whilst developing a stronger sense of where you are!

Spending time together

Simply spending time together, enjoying a range of activities and visiting new places. Meeting new people and enjoying new company is truly something to be treasured

Party nights

Barcelona is renowned for it’s nightlife and clubbing scene. So let’s party!.