We are thousands of people connected by more than 400 WhatsApp groups! New in Barcelona, Language Exchange groups and New in Barcelona specific groups for different activities (Like German – Spanish, French – Spanish, Workout time or beach time for example) Every Tuesday at Twist in Balmes 79 and Every Friday and Saturday we meet at the La terraza de la Marina in carrer de la Marina 22.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s practice a language while we make new friends!!! We’ll start at 7:00 pm but you can come at any time and stay as long as you want.
Join the Whatsapp group of this event https://chat.whatsapp.com/I4sfPAo3cis9AhbjYeh32F
Remember: pictures of the night will be taken and posted on the blog!
Our webpage: https://newinbarcelona.com
We also have a brand-new WhatsApp channel where we post updates about upcoming events. This channel is not intrusive, so you won’t get notifications. You just need to check it when you want to see what’s coming up.
Try the channel here:
Visit our Instagram: Click here!